Treatment for vaginal dryness, painful sex, frequent UTIs, and urgency.
Our Soothing Estradiol Cream contains the following ingredients:
Your formula is freshly compounded in a 503A compounding pharmacy with PCAB Accreditation.
This cream comes in an easy-to-use dispenser with a snap-on applicator. Just snap on the applicator, turn and click the dispenser, and then tilt off the applicator.
The common dose is to insert 1-2 grams vaginally daily for 2 weeks. After that, insert 1 gram vaginally 1 to 3 times per week. 1 gram is 4 clicks.
Follow the instructions from your Interlude-affiliated prescribing doctor.
Our Hyaluronic+ Cream is for women who want to treat signs of vaginal dryness.
When hyaluronic acid is applied vaginally, it's shown to help improve symptoms that can result from dryness - including renewing vaginal moisture, restoring skin elasticity, and eliminating painful sex.
With consistent use, many patients notice a difference within 2 weeks. But everyone is different - so results may vary. Keep in mind this is not just about relief, but repairing the skin. It's not an overnight fix. Use as directed by your Interlude-affiliated doctor for lasting results!
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