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What we offer

Treatment for vaginal dryness, painful sex, frequent UTIs, and urgency.


Hi Buffy!
Your results are in.
July 24, 2024
Your body at a glance
  • Whole body wellness
    Low Good
  • Genitourinary wellness
    Low Good
  • Mood
    Low Good
Your menopause type
Menopause is technically defined as the day when your period stops, but there's a lot happening before and after that.
    Your detailed results
    Select a tag to view insights related to your goals:
    Showing insights related to "Reduce UTIs" (Show all)
      Your toolkit
      We recommend reviewing this with a medical provider:
      1. Consider vaginal estrogen
        Get $35 off for 2 days only!
        Use code TOOLKIT25
        Vaginal estrogen is a topical prescription treatment that replenishes the estrogen in the vagina, urethra, and bladder. It can rejuvenate tissues, restore natural lubrication, balance pH, prevent UTIs, and reduce urgency and frequency of urination. It's available as a cream, tablet, or ring.
        Strength of recommendation: Level A Supported by sufficient, consistent scientific evidence.
      2. Consider a vaginal moisturizer
        For mild vaginal dryness, consider a vaginal moisturizer for regular use.
        Strength of recommendation: Level A Supported by sufficient, consistent scientific evidence.
      3. Consider a vaginal lubricant
        Consider a vaginal lubricant for use during intimacy.
        Strength of recommendation: Level A Supported by sufficient, consistent scientific evidence.
      4. Consider Vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium
        Get the recommended daily amounts of key supplements.
        Strength of recommendation: Level A Supported by sufficient, consistent scientific evidence.
      Build your toolkit for menopause
      Perimenopause and menopause is a time of significant change in your whole body and genitourinary system. This is a unique opportunity to enhance your sense of well-being now and for the remainder of your life. Take this free quiz, and we'll build you a tookit with evidence-based strategies you can start now at home or with your doctor. Are you ready?
      When was your last period?
      Why we ask: Hormonal changes related to your period can affect your whole body, your genitourinary system, and your mood.
      Vaginal dryness
      Do you have a sensation of dryness or burning in the vagina, difficulty with sexual intercourse?
      Health goals
      Do any of these apply to you? Select all that apply.
      Interlude Research
      We're building the largest knowledge base in the world on perimenopause and menopause. Your results will be enriched thanks to thousands of women like you who have decided to share their results. Would you like to contribute also?
      Last step!
      This helps us personalize your results and insights.
      • How old are you?
      • What is your height?
      • What is your weight?
      You have personalized insights
      Ready to build knowledge, health, and strength during a time of significant change in your body? Sign up to view your results.
      • First name
      • Email
      • Create a password
        Password must have a minimum of 8 characters, at least one uppercase letter and one lowercase letter. No spaces allowed.